Sports Nutrition Information

Sports Nutrition Information

If you have definitely no idea on what sports nutrition is all about, then this article on sports nutrition information might enlighten you.

It is good to know about sports nutrition, not only because you are an athlete or thinking of being one, but it can also help in your nutritional status. This kind of nutrition does not just apply to athletes, though you would first perceive that upon reading its name. Sports nutrition actually applies to everyone, only that it is concentrated on athletes.

Good sports nutrition is not only about what you eat, assuming you are an athlete or would want to become one. It is also about the degree of importance of the food that you eat. 

Researchers have come up with sports nutrition information saying that what athletes consume before and after a session of training makes a very big difference on the recovery and performance.

Diets that contain ideal nutrient combinations enhance your performance and also your recovery, at the same time improves the integrity of your muscles. So diets that have an exaggerated amount or excessive amount of a certain vitamin or mineral, or lacking otherwise, do not help your body at all. In fact, it makes your health worse, if what you have left after following this kind of diet from quite some time can actually still be considered as ‘health’.

Carbohydrates and proteins can do wonders for your stance. However, you must not neglect pieces of sports nutrition information saying that for a better training and workout to occur, the carbohydrates and proteings must be combined at the right time. Why? It is because nutrient timing is one of the many strategies that can deem to be very beneficial for those who exercise daily.

Sports nutrition information will also tell you that if you want to fight the obesity epidemic face to face, then you must first increase your daily intake of calcium in your diets. Calcium can’t only help your bones and also help you avoid bone diseases or illnesses, but it can also do a big thing in fighting obesity.

When taking in carbohydrates, you have to know if these carbohydrates are needed by your system. If you take certain carbohydrates that are not essential for your health, then there is a big tendency that your health will be compromised. 

So, as mentioned, you must take in adequte amounts only. You also have to be aware of which carbohydrates are good or which are bad. Bad carbohydrates are carbohydrates that will have an adverse effect on you. So who would want bad carbohydrates in their system? Most definitely not you.

Everyday, athletes are faced, and sometimes even ambushed, with an abundance of very delicious foods that are very accessible for them. Sometimes even too accessible, which becomes a reason why some, or rather most of the athletes, find it hard to say no to consuming them. But if good performance or success is the goal then health must come first, and say no to those foods that are very tempting. 

Everyone knows that self-control is part of being an athlete, but this self-control does not just apply to the performance or temper but also to the food that is being consumed.

For the majority of the human population, eating is the only part of the day that can be considered pleasurable; it is like saying that life without strawberries can be grim. 

The only explanation to this is that many people have learned to depend on food for comfort when you are feeling lonely, isolated or stressed. It is a horrible coping stress mechanism. Yeah, it could undermine your stress for a few minutes as you eat, but when you are done with that, you will feel a lot worse when you look at your fat self in the mirror.

There are numerous approaches to dieting and many empty claims for fake successes with fad diets. There are the calories restriction, high protein and fat or low carbohydrates, low fat or high fiber. There are pieces of evidence that strongly suggest that people may have different kinds of responses to specific diets depending on whether their weight is too much distributed towards their abdomen or not.

Sports nutrition information is not so hard to understand at all. There are no complications, only contraindications. So basically, sports nutrition information will tell you what to eat, what not to eat, why and why not and what are the effects of all of the options that have been mentioned.

Sports Nutrition Depot

Find More Value For Your Money At Sports Nutrition Depot

Let's face it. Sports nutritional supplements nowadays are as many as the number of athletes themselves. And these do not include new products in their early stages of manufacture, or marketing.  

But is this bad? On the contrary, this can be a blessing. To appreciate this fact, all we have to do is remember that in a free market, products are competing against each other, forcing the manufacturers to lower the prices, i.e., to be more competitive. This market, in practical terms, is the place where you can find the sports nutrition of your choice. For the athletes, this market is the sports nutrition depot. 

Ok, so you want to go shopping for your sports supplement. But of course you want to be prepared on what to expect with a certain depot. What should you be looking for in this depot?

Carbohydrate specific products 

Enough servings of carbohydrates before or during exercise r competition, be it in solid or liquid form, will help you in during intense physical regimen. Carbohydrates can also maintain blood glucose levels and increase muscle glycogen, during intense exercise. Sports nutrition experts suggest that athletes should consume up to 350 ml of a sports drink containing carbohydrate every 20 minutes during exercise.  

With solid carbs, the National Association of Sports Nutrition (NASN) suggests that athletes engaged in regular physical activities should consume up to 10 gm of carbohydrate/kg in a day. Typical American diet supplies about 5 gm of carbohydrate/kg in a day, so this will give you an idea how much do you need for consumption. But during exercise, it is suggested that athletes consume from 30 to 60 gm of carbohydrate every hour to improve performance. Sports nutrition depot displays almost all known carbo products in the fitness world. 

Protein for your exercise recovery 

Speed recovery is important to your regular exercise regimen. Nutritional supplement with high quality protein is will aid muscle growth and repair. Protein works with carbohydrate by producing enzymes to help carbohydrates maintain energy levels. Sports nutrition depot abounds with protein enforced products.  

Vitamin C for immune improvement  

We all know that vitamin C assists us in fighting disease. Current research also points to the role f vitamin C in restoring t-cell damage resulting from physical activities, and even during extreme emotional stress. But the problem is that several thousands of milligrams of vitamin is are needed to restore t-cell function. This automatically rules out the dependence on the vitamin C available at ordinary medicine stores.  

Sports nutritionist also suggests that vitamin C should be consumed together with other micronutrients, such as vitamin E, and Glutathione. If taken together, the three micronutrients will help strengthen each other's properties.  Wide array of vitamin C and other micronutrients can be found in sports nutrition depot.  

Bee Honey for sustained exercise regimen 

Ever wonder why the bees seem to be tireless? Studies after studies prove that taking honey before and during exercise or any competitive activity improves performance. Among weight disciplined athletes, only bee honey was proved capable of maintaining blood sugar in consistent levels, even two hours after a heavy exercise. Honey is also unique in sustaining restoration of muscle energy, after the exercise. So don't be surprised to find bee honey products inside the sports nutrition depot. 

Glutamine for performance recovery 

If somehow you've heard about glutamine before, the reason is inside your body. Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your body. Your skeletal muscle and plasma contains the most concentrated supply of glutamine. Glutamine is important in the transfer of nitrogen between the internal organs. It also plays an important role in detoxifying ammonia. 

The discovery of the role of Glutamine is a recent one. But for more than a decade before this discovery or confirmation form medical research, sports scientists have known that this amino acid increases muscle recovery. Glutamine products are also available in sports nutrition depot. 

But before you troop to the nearest sports nutrition depot in your place and buy everything that you need, be aware that dosages differ in everyone. The rule of thumb is that dosage is different with everyone. The dosage that works for you should be validated with inputs from your trainer or sports nutrition adviser. 

Nutraceutical Industry And Sports Nutrition

Nutraceutical Industry And Sports Nutrition

The role of food in total health care is not something new to mankind. The use of food to maintain man's health is as natural as day and night. More than 2,000 years ago, Hippocrates, considered as the father of medicine, said, "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." It is this principle that eventually led to the explosion of the nutraceutical industry. 

The nutraceutical industry is concerned with nutraceuticals, that is, “ food or part of a food that offers medical and/or health benefits including prevention or treatment of disease.”

All therapeutic areas such as anti arthritic, cold and cough, pain killers, digestion, sleeping disorders, blood pressure, cholesterol, prevention of certain cancers, osteoporosis, depression and diabetes are covered by nutraceuticals. 

Products range from herbal dietary supplements, actual food components in dosage form such as capsules or tablets to beverages fortified with vitamins and genetically engineered designer foods, functional foods, processed foods such as cereal, soup and beverages. 

Functional foods, the most popular term among consumers are modifieds food or food ingredients that may provide a health benefit beyond the traditional nutrients it contains.

Nutraceuticals is widely popular in the US, Canada, Japan, and Europe and has garnered $80 billion dollars in revenues. The demand for nutraceuticals has been growing worldwide due to consumer awareness of the links of diet and disease, aging population, rising health care cost and innovations in food technology and nutrition. 

Sports and Food 

In the last decade, sports and fitness nutrition has emerged as one large distinct category in the nutraceutical industry. Three main products contributed to the market’s dramatic 2004 growth: 

low carbohydrate products - which grew by as much as 154% 

sports energy beverages - which grew by 18%; 

sports supplements - which grew by 6%. 

Now, the $2 billion-worth sports nutrition industry has moved away from the plain-tasting protein powders into a bigger pool of choices for customers. Available in almost any drug stores or supermarkets are energy bars, meal replacement products, protein powders, individual items (e.g., creatine, L-carnitine), amino acids, herbs, prohormones (hormone precursors); vitamins; minerals; and combination products. Because of this the sports nutrition nutraceutical industry is considered a 'niche' market and an offshoot of the mainstream food industry.

Competition factors for the Sports Nutrition Market 

Product/brand differentiation

Because of greater saturation and competition in the marketplace sports nutrition products look alike and sound the same. Maintaining a brand that stands apart from the rest is difficult but a thing to strive for. 

Research-substantiated claims.

Consumers’ ability to make intelligent choices should never be underestimated. People place more faith endorsements by university professors and doctors and claims backed by independent research than by endorsements by celebrities. 

Core products and strategies

A good strategy now is to focus development of core products or integrating with large food and pharmaceutical concerns (e.g., Powerbar, BalanceBar).


For small companies that cannot or will not rely on strong distribution relationships, e-commerce is an increasingly attractive option.

Basis for marketing strategy

The factors for competition stated above have been gleaned from researches of what consumers are willing to pay for. Overall, customers want:

Something New

Retailers and consumers clamor for "new," whether it means new forms of delivery (gels, effervescent tablets, functional beverages), new applications of or combinations with existing products, or all-natural sports nutrition products that are free of artificial ingredients and solvents.

Excellent Tasting All-natural products

Consumers are also looking for products that taste good and are easy to take. Taste is a major feature that can either make or break a product. The hunt is on for manufacturers to come up with better and new flavors. 

High quality and safe products 

Regulatory agencies exist to protect the consumers. It is the responsibility of product manufacturers to undertake sound research and prove the efficacy and safety of their nutraceutical products. Products that are based on false or misleading marketing should be and are banned and condemned.

Through product sales and advances in research and development, the Sports Nutrition Nutraceutical Industry is now validating what was proven, early on, by the fitness and nutrition pioneers -- sports nutrition products provide easier access to a healthier way of performing and living. 

Books Sports Nutrition

Books On Sports Nutrition

Due to the increasing interest in sports nutrition and a growing number of athletes and health buffs becoming more conscious of the nutrition they take in to power their performance, a lot of books have already been released to disseminate more information and further heighten people’s awareness.  This is, in fact, very beneficial as awareness is most of the time the springboard of concrete actions.  

One of these books on sports nutrition is that of Nancy Clark entitled, Sports Nutrition Guidebook.  This book is a collection of solutions suggested by different sports nutritionists.  

Nancy Clark, a renowned sports nutritionist herself, shows how one can identify well what to eat to get more energy, cope well with stress, control weight, improve overall health, and improve the quality of workouts in the midst of a stressful lifestyle.  

She also gives suggestions on how to lose excess body fat in the body while maintaining the energy for further exercise.  She also provides several tips on maximizing the benefits of what one person eats.  This book is rich with practical tips on sports nutrition that are easy to follow and apply in day to day living.  

Moreover, Susan Kleiner’s book on sports nutrition entitled, High-Performance Nutrition: The Total Eating Plan to Maximum Your Workout, presents what one needs to eat in line with a workout plan to achieve optimum results.  

She advocates the importance of a good partnership between diet and exercise in performing excellently in sports.  She shows how one can bring out the best in any type of workout or exercise, be it aerobics, strength training, endurance training, cross training, and other recreational sports.  

Another sports nutrition book is Sports Nutrition for Endurance Athletes written by Monique Ryan.  The author’s two-decade experience in counselling athletes about their nutritional needs and intake brought about this book.  

She explains both the general principles which are applicable to endurance athletes of any sport and specific guidelines which are for those engaged in more specific sports like swimming, triathlons, cycling, mountain biking, distance running, and many others.  

She likewise covers the basics of nutrition as well as how to train and make that training persist.  Overall, this sports nutrition book is a detailed, updated, but practical guide to nutrition.

Still adding up to the list of sports nutrition books is the one entitled Eating for Endurance.  

The author is a registered dietician who specializes in sports nutrition as well as an elite endurance athlete.  Strategies on improving one’s diet, maintaining a healthy and ideal weight, successfully handling extreme environments, using sports nutrition supplements, and many other helpful information on sports nutrition are included in the book.  

This is indeed a very credible book as the author speaks from first-hand experience. 

One must indeed take the initiative to equip himself with the necessary knowledge and information if he really wants to do well in this aspect.  Besides, putting an effort on sports nutrition will benefit no one else but himself.  

These books are there not to give false promises or misleading information.  Instead, their purpose is to show that achieving goals and targets had already happened in the past and is therefore totally feasible in the present if only one will commit to it.   

There are still many other sports nutrition books out in the market that aim to help in information dissemination and proper education of people.  Sports nutrition is indeed something that is not supposed to be taken for granted. 

Mere exercise is not enough as it has to be coupled with the right and balanced diet as well as the right attitude towards one’s health in general.  

And Sports Nutrition

Recovery, Body Protection and Sports Nutrition 

Food gives us energy and fuels physical activity. Not eating enough can cause a drop in energy and endurance levels and, in the world of sports, can lead to painful losses. This is why athletes learn quickly to pack that extra energy bar just in case.

But food is not only good as energy sources to our muscles. They also hold substances that promote our health, boost our immunity to sicknesses, promote tissue repair, protect cells from damage, protect against age-related cognitive decline and increase resistance to cancers, and other illnesses, all of which are important to maintaining good performance and longevity in sports. These protective substances are commonly known as phytochemicals. 

Phytochemicals, although not providing any energy, essential vitamins, or minerals, still are an important component of any athlete's sport nutrition.  Phytochemicals means "chemicals from plants." Vegetables and fruits therefore are excellent sources. 

Color means protection

Colorful vegetables and fruits have high levels of phytochemicals. In most cases, colorful skins of fruits and vegetables have the most concentrated source of protective nutrients. 

A U.S. National Cancer Institute program ( uses color categories, highlighting the protective compounds predominant in each color of fruit or vegetable. 


Red fruits maintains heart health, memory function, lowers risk to some cancers, and ensures urinary tract health. Lycopene and anthocyanins are available in red fruits and vegetables. Lycopede reduces the risk of several types of cancer, heart and lung disease. Anthocyanins helps protect against heart disease by preventing blood clots. Both may slow the cell aging process. 


Beta-carotene is abundant in orange and yellow substances. It is an antioxidant that helps reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease, maintain eyesight, help boost the immune system, and promote repair of damaged DNA. With Vitamin C, Bioflavonoids which are also contained in orange and yellow fruits and vegetables, help reduce the risk of cancer, strengthen bones and teeth, heal wounds, keep skin healthy and lower the risk of heart attacks. 


Anthocyanins and Phenols make up blue and purple fruits and vegetables. Research says they may help reduce your risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's and may have anti-aging effects.


Green fruits and vegetables are among the best sources of lutein. Lutein helps reduce the risk of cataracts and mascular degeneration, which can cause loss of vision. Green vegetables are also rich in sulforaphane, isocyanate and indoles which hamper the action of carcinogens. 


Allicin, which are found in garlic, leeks, and onions, helps control blood pressure and cholesterol. It looks like it also increases the body's ability to fight infection. Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, and mushrooms contain selenium. Both are also cancer-fighting. 

Because they protect your body from injuries, diseases and untimely aging, colorful vegetables and fruits must be first in mind when buying food to maintain good sports nutrition.

Essentials for fast recovery

Proper recovery is also a main concern in sports nutrition. Sufficient rest and sleep allows the body's systems to recuperate from training stress and makes you stronger and faster. Training gains can be maximized, recovery process speeded up and performance enhanced by correct food and liquid consumption after workout. 

Fluid replacement

Timing is everything. After cooling down at the end of each workout, rehydration should be top priority. Drink enough to replace the fluids you sweated out. It is right after exercise that muscles are most receptive to replenishing glycogen stores. 

These times, blood flow is on the increase and muscle membranes are more permeable to glucose and the effects of insulin which promotes glycogen synthesis. During this "glycogen window" (which lasts up to an hour) muscles replenish glycogen up to three times faster than at other times. 

Second carbo-loading

High-carb foods and beverages are best for fast recovery. Including protein with these foods (4:1 ratio of carbs to protein) enhances muscle repair and glycogen replacement. 

The amount of food you need depends on the extent of the depletion of glycogen stores. How much food you need depends on the extent that your activity depleted your glycogen stores. 

For a minimum of 2 hours of exercise, sports nutrition experts recommend around 1-1.5 grams of carbohydrate per kilogram of body weight within 15 minutes after cessation of exercise and every two hours until your next complete meal. That’s around 50-120 grams or 200-480 calories of carbohydrates for most athletes. 

Journal Of Sports Nutrition

Journals Related To Sports Nutrition 

As sports nutrition is becoming more and more an interesting and in-demand field in scientific study, venues to expose and encourage developments have been established. There are several journals related to sports nutrition. The following are some examples: 

International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism

IJSNEM  offers information on sports nutrition and exercise metabolism by publishing original scientific investigations, scholarly reviews and articles which focus on the application of the principles of biochemistry, physiology, and nutrition to sport and exercise. 

Although sport nutrition today is a distinct academic and applied field of work, it receives input from—and makes contributions to—fields like nutrition, physiology, biochemistry, psychology, clinical medicine, and the sport and exercise sciences. 

These perspectives are welcomed and encouraged in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism (IJSNEM). The journal now serves as a forum for the publication of scholarly and applied work regarding the nutritional, biochemical, and molecular aspects of exercise science. 

Original researches with human subjects are given top priority in IJSNEM but relevant researches with experimental animals are also submitted. Case studies showing systematic, rather than casual observation conducted with appropriate instrumentation will be accepted. Articles with clinical application are also included. Aside from these, editorials, digests of related articles from other fields, research notes, and reviews of books, videos, and other media releases are offered in the journal. 

International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance

IJSPP is an international peer-reviewed journal focused on sports physiology and performance. It aims to advance the knowledge of sport and exercise physiologists, sports-performance researchers, and other sports scientists by examining and publishing practical and research aspects of sports physiology and sports performance. 

Articles in sport physiology and related disciplines that have connections with enhancing sport performance, preventing decrements in performance, or enhancing recovery of athletes are featured in IJSPP. The journal publishes original research reports, invited reviews, commentaries, technical reports, case studies.  There is also an editorial section. 

Usual topics in IJSPP include team sports, individual sports, performance aspects of environmental physiology, applied sports nutrition, strength and conditioning, biomedical science, and applications of sport technology. Readership include sport scientists, sport physicians, coaches, academic researchers, students, and related professionals.

Controlled experimental and observational researches as long as they are comprehensive or systematic and appropriate standards of scientific methodology and analysis are met are welcome. 

Motor Control (MC) 

Motor Control is an international journal has been created for information exchange on the control of human movement through a lifespan. The journal provides reports to keep readers abreast of current developments in the field of motor control as well as motor disorders. 

MC publishes various types of research papers: clinical experimental, modeling and theoretical studies. Varied disciplines complement each other in this publication: biomechanics, kinesiology, neurophysiology, neuroscience, psychology, physical medicine, and rehabilitation. Aside from research papers, review articles, quick communications, commentaries, target articles, and book reviews are also featured. 

Contribution to the understanding of movement control should be clearly demonstrated in an article for it to be published. 


Each issue of Quest examines critical issues facing physical educators in secondary schools and research developments in the sport sciences and other sub-disciplines of human movement. Theoretical explorations to applied studies in this journal synthesize research to help advance the field of physical activity. 

Quest does not publish original research reports on professional development of physical education but welcomes articles that are based on, complement, or review empirical research related to it. Quest considers both theoretical and practical articles. Readers includes academicians, teachers, and administrators

The Journal of Applied biomechanics 

(JAB) is a quarterly journal dedicated to the study of human biomechanics in sport, exercise, and rehabilitation. The reader will find research articles, clinical studies, and other pertinent information highlighting current advances in biomechanics in each issue. 

The effect and control of forces that act on and are produced by the human body are highlighted in JAB. Studies related to modeling and human movement simulation and to the effects of internal and external forces like nutrition on body structures during skill development and rehabilitation are also appropriate. 

Original research reports, invited review papers, and "target" articles on selected current issues in the field are published. Jab also contains book reviews, technical notes, an editorial section, and other special features. 

Optimum Sports Nutrition

Optimum Sports Nutrition

Majority of athletes and health buffs are very much concerned about sports nutrition and they want to make it as optimum as possible, which is just right.  Sports and other physical activities can indeed be quite strenuous and stressful for the body.

If not backed up by proper nutrition, these activities will adversely affect the entire body.  Thus, it is just best to always aim for an optimum sports nutrition.

There is not one standard that will clearly identify what an optimum sports nutrition is.  Yes, there are several products in the market that are literally labelled as such but they cannot automatically guarantee best results.

This is mainly because the results are not purely dependent on the product itself.  Instead, great consideration must also be given on the condition of one’s body.  Only after identifying the body’s current status will one be able to know what sports nutrition is optimum.

The basics, though, of a sports nutrition that is optimum lie on three major aspects.  

First, there has to be an intake of enough liquid which may or may not contain additional components that are equally beneficial.  Second, a suitable diet must provide the body with appropriate nutrients.  Third, certain supplements and vitamins must come hand in hand with the first two to further boost their impact on the body.  Everything must then spring from these three fundamental requirements.

Indeed, an optimum sports nutrition for one person may not be considered similarly by another.  This is primarily because every person has unique needs and goals, and is in unique circumstances.  These should be considered carefully at the very start.

The nutrients that are usually beneficial for any athlete are carbohydrates and protein.  These two play a major role in making the body cope with the extreme stress that comes with the activities.  They also boost one’s immune system.  Most of the time, these are included in sports drinks.  Also, the foods that athletes eat are usually rich in these.

Generally, a physician is the best person to tell what the optimum sports nutrition is for a certain person.  This is so because he has a broad understanding of the functions of the human body and its reaction to environmental stimulators.

However, one must also take into consideration that a significant part of a physician’s diagnosis or recommendation depends on what one tells him, as not everything is observable.  Providing him with one’s activity plans will indeed help a lot.

Moreover, mere identification of the optimum sports nutrition is not enough as religious adherence to it is what creates a significant effect.  One must commit himself to it no matter what.  It has to be in constant partnership with one’s physical efforts.

An irregular nutrition program is not at all beneficial and may even cause adverse effects since the body is getting confused with the nutrients that sometimes do come in the body and at times do not.

This is also one of the reasons why one is discouraged to start with it if the motivation is mainly just peer or societal pressure.

In such cases, more often than not, the nutrition program is not sustained and is just put to waste no matter how optimum it was supposed to be.  There has to be a better motivation other than mere imitation of other people.

Sports nutrition must be optimum in any case.  This is what every person engaging in such should aim for at all times.  The body is at stake so there must not be a room for compromises.  The best should remain one’s target no matter what.

Discount Sports Nutrition

Understanding Sports Nutrition Supplements

The kind of sports nutrition supplements a certain athlete is supposed to take would depend strongly on what is appropriate for the athlete’s health status. However, some of these supplements are very hard to find or are very expensive or just too expensive for an average athlete.

Here are some of the sports nutrition supplements that you can get, with the same amount of nutrients that you need but for extremely low prices!

Steel Edge, which you usually purchase for forty seven dollars and ninety five cents ($47.95), you can now avail for only thirty nine dollars and ninety five cents ($35.95). 

This supplement is designed to specifically maximize the physiological environment of your body before you perform your workout. Steel Edge primes your body for focused, intense and energetic workouts that will most probably give you the results you seek.

Scivation Sesamin is another form of a discount sports nutrition. This supplement is bought for twenty four dollars and ninety five cents ($24.95), but for you only twenty one dollars and ninety five cents ($21.95)! What are you waiting for? There is no bargain better than what discount sports nutrition offers!

You also do not have to worry because Scivation Sesamin has been tested in appropriate laboratories for purity and potency. It is discovered to be containing a high grade extracat of Sesamin, which is a lignan that occurs naturally and is found in sesame oil. 

Researchers have proven that Sesamin is perfect for discount sports nutrition because it maximizes fat loss, supports the kidney and the liver, and keeps the profiles of your lipids healthy.

Super Enzymes are sold at a whopping price of only seven dollars and fifty cents ($7.50). Just because it is not as pricey as the other forms of discount sports nutrition, that does not mean that it is not worthy of purchase.

It is scientifically engineered with essential enzymes like papain, pancreatin and bromulain. These enzymes assist the digestion of food. Therefore, Super Enzymes is a discount sports nutrition that aids in food digestion.

You can have Rize 2 for forty nine dollars and ninety nine cents ($49.99). It is an herbal form of discount sports nutrition that is oftenly utilized for the enhancement of male sexual performance. It contains a mixture high quality ingredients extracted from nature, and these ingredients improve sexual performance and pleasure. 

This is oftenly purchased by old men who cannot perform as well as they think younger men do, but that does not mean that younger men cannot purchase this either.

Another supplement is the Hi Tech Dianabol which is being sold for only thirty nine dollars and ninety five cents ($39.99). The king has made a comeback and has been given the new name of Dianobol due to its remarkable ability to increase strength and muscle by using anti-proteolythic ways. This anti-proteolythic means is deems to be more important than direct anabolic protein synthesis.

If you have to budget thirty seven dollars and ninety five cents ($37.95) for a discount sports nutrition, then Hi Tech Anavar is the supplement to get. It is a catalyst that builds muscle in order to be able to increase size and strength. 

What does it contain? It contains a formulation of anabolic agents that are potent and are non-steroidal.

L-leucine-ketoisocaproic acid is the long version and hard to pronounce version, that just makes you want to tear your hair out, of Leukic. Leukic is also a little hard to pronounce, but definitely not as hard as its long version. 

This form of discount sports nutrition activates the muscle machines so that the body can get to transmit a powerful anabolic muscle-building  signal. Nice huh? It would be a lot better to know that with Leukic, there are no elevation nor decrease of hormonal levels!

Discount sports nutrition is thought of many to be a dumb bargain, a bargain of less useful supplements. Looks like who made that theory was really wrong. 

Discount sports nutrition serve humanity with the best bargains, supplements that can truly help an athlete’s performance, not just an athlete’s but performance in general, for prices that not only bigwigs can obtain because they are very much affordable.

Advanced Sports Nutrition

Advanced Sports Nutrition For Advanced Athletes 

Do you somehow feel that your sports is not enough or it doesn't sustain you in your struggle to reach the next higher step in fitness? Chances are, your instinct is correct. It's about time for advance sports nutrition. But before buying your advanced sports nutrition, there are few things to consider in assessing your readiness.

Level of recovery between games 

First, several questions to ask yourself. Can you still feel the results you achieved during your off-season training? Do your muscles still feel as if you're starting all over again whenever you attempt even a warm-up? Is the level of your motivation so diminished that simply stopping your exercise regimen seems to be the most logical thing to do?

If your answers to all of these are affirmative, then we've got a serious situation. Far on the other side, however, is a solution that is very simple. You only need to strengthen your resistance. That means improving your supplement to accommodate the growing need of your body for a stronger supplemental formula. You need advanced sports nutrition as part of your regimen program.    

The level of your recovery tells you many things about your preparedness to reach into a higher level of fitness. Your feeling of inadequacy is never a proof of your lacking in physical talent. It is a proof that your current sports nutrition does not providing you enough nutrients for harder regimen. 

The natural reaction of your body is to relax when it's getting the same intensity of physical workout. And your body tends to resist exercise that it doesn't have the strength to sustain. The tendency of your mind, naturally, is to think that you can't make it so you've got to stop. 

But, in a way, this is positive. Your mind is telling your body to stop and think. Because, really, you have many things to think about.  One is changing your supplement into advanced sports nutrition supplements. 

Assess the level of your commitment

Okay, so you have enough supply of advanced sports nutrition at your disposal. Is that it? Of course, not. You need to remind yourself that being an athlete, particularly if you decide to climb the next higher level of fitness, is a fulltime job. What's the reason why electricity is a simple matter if you're an electrician? Because that's what you do on a daily basis. Your mind reacts automatically to support every work or problem that you encounter, as long at it's a work related situation.

This is the same with your body. You need to constantly work, for your muscles to "remember" what it should remember, that is, supporting your workout. Remember that your muscles only assist you in achieving your goal. Your ability to convince yourself, stay focused on what you want, and maintain a certain level of discipline with regard to your regular exercise regimen is the supplement for your advanced sports nutrition program. 

There are interesting studies regarding improvements in exercise performance which correlate with the degree of specific nutrients stored in the muscle after taking particular supplements. This somehow proves that our muscles "remember" and knows how to store the necessary elements for future use, that is, for our next workout. But if it's not properly supplemented, where would it take the nutrients? 

It is only natural to be confused on what to eat, which supplemental nutrients to take to allow you to sustain your daily regimen, and to let reach the advance level of fitness. 

But, don't worry. These are problems that almost every athlete or sports enthusiast faces. What you need is to look for things that would encourage you to reach the next level of fitness. But after finding the right reason on reaching the next higher level of physical development, your sports supplement should be able to meet your growing requirements.

This higher level of encouragement should be supported by a higher of nutritional supplement. Therefore, you need advanced sports nutrition to sustain you. 

If your body does not get the right concentration or nutrients it requires for a higher level of physical exertion, it will revert itself to a hibernation-like refusal to work. And when the body so decides that it can no longer work, no amount of mental discipline will suffice in overriding it.  

Natural Sports Nutrition

Natural Sports Nutrition: Diet for Champions

They say that great artists are made, not born. The same could also be said for athletes. Of course, genetics plays a large part in differentiating a mere athlete from a sports champion, but to be able to attain that legendary status in the Hall of Fame, an aspiring sportsman must go through the strictest of diets that will help shape and strengthen the physique.

By drinking sufficient amounts of water and consuming a balanced diet, the body can generate a lot of energy which will greatly help in boosting for top athletic performance.

What are the factors to be considered in designing a complete and healthy natural sports nutrition program?

1. Hydration

Obviously, the most important thing in natural sports nutrition is water. The significance of water can never be discounted because the human body is composed of sixty percent of it, and every bodily function cannot work without water. The good old eight-cups-of-water-a-day recommendation is essential because the body must replace the water it eliminates, like sweat and urine.

Here are some helpful reminders to maintain proper hydration:

-Instead of slugging humongous amounts of water in infrequent sittings, drink small portions in frequent durations.

-Cold beverages aid the body in cooling down body temperature, therefore cutting down the amount of sweating.

-One should drink 2-3 cups of water for every pound that the body losses after exercising.

2. Sources of Fuel

A balanced diet is another must for natural sports nutrition. Athletes must acquire the perfect combination of calories that can be consumed from protein, carbohydrates and fats, which are great sources of energy.

Carbohydrates are the most important fuel source, which can be found in foods such as breads, pastas, rice, fruits, veggies and cereals. These foods can supply the body about seventy percent of the needed daily calories. Carbs provide the body the power and endurance it needs for short-duration activities that involve maximum level of intensity. This fuel comes from the energy given by sugar and starches that the body converts.

Here are strategies to maximize the potential of carbs:

-Start loading up on carbs at least several days before prior to the competition.

-Carbs should be consumed in greater amounts in the duration of activities that lasts more than one hour to fend off the onset of fatigue.

Another imperative factor in natural sports nutrition is proteins. Athletes should eat lots of dairy, eggs, meats, fish and chicken, along with nuts and beans. Protein supplies as much as fifteen percent of calories in the body. To determine the amount of protein needed by an athlete, the following factors should be considered: his fitness level, the type of exercise along with its duration and intensity, and his overall carb and calorie intake.

The last fuel source that is important for natural sports nutrition is fats. There are two kinds: saturated and unsaturated. Although it is a significant component in nutrition, the intake of fats should be strictly monitored. Too much consumption of fats may lead to major health problems such as cancer and heart disease.

The road to sports excellence is not easy. Along with fostering courage and determination, athletes have to follow the strict regimen brought on by natural sports nutrition. But all of these will be worth the trouble once victory is achieved.

Sports Nutrition Supplement

What Keeps The Athletes Going

If you are one of those ill-witted who perceive athletes as gods who don’t need to stop to take in air, or to relax when there is need for relaxation, then perhaps it would be much of a disappointment to you to find out that athletes are not so different from those who are not athletes for they also make use of supplements to get them going.

It is part of their diet to take in supplements to have an enhancement of their endurance, and also to increase or, if not increase, maintain the appropriate muscle mass to be able to improve size and strength.

Protein supplements are part of sports nutrition, without these said sports nutrition supplements; athletes would not be the way they are at present. However, contrary to what most people think, diets jampacked with protein do not necessarily build up muscle strength. 

Building up muscle strength would be the job of regular physical activity. So if you want those big muscles you have to do exercises, not necessarily at gyms but could be also at your residences, daily. Doing so not by the day would not be producing the same result if you do so daily.

Sports nutrition supplements need high levels of protein, which you can get from protein-rich foods and enumerating all will be a total waste of space in this article. 

But to enlighten you, here are a few of the foods that are rich in protein. There is fish, poultry and dairy products,and these are the foods you usually get your protein from because some sources of protein are high in fat and also in calories. So basically, you must take note which sources are high in fat and which are not.

Yeah, sports nutrition supplements sound so good but they can also put a strain on your liver and kidneys, which is the main reason why sports nutrition experts discourage taking them.

Some other sports nutrition supplements also have high amounts of nitrogen, which will only be excreted from your body as urea. But it is not as easy nor is it as safe as it sounds for this said exretion oftenly causes fluid imbalance, which will then lead to dehydration.

There is also a higher risk of heart disease due to the high fat intake associated with sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of protein from animal sources.

Another disadvantage of sports nutrition supplements is that there is a huge tendency that you will ingest amino acids that are capable of interfering with other amino acids, which will have a result of a metabolic imbalance.

Sports nutrition supplements that have high amounts of amino aids can also cause gout; diarrhea and stomach cramping that can rank from mild to severe pain.

Even if sports nutrition supplements are being discouraged by sports nutrition experts, Bricker Labs, a sports nutrition supplement manufacturer, still do a lot of advertising and manufacturing as well.

Bricker Labs has over thirty years to blame for their success in their provision of sports nutrition supplements. They do not apply to sports nutrition only too, but also to weight loss, diet, health and other nutritional aspects.

So if you have plans to take any kind of sports nutrition supplements, then Bricker Labs is probably the sports nutrition supplement manufacturer to trust. Why? It is because they use ingredients that are safer than what other sports nutrition supplements contain. What kind of ingredients, you ask?

They make us of the L-Carnitine, which is mainly there for weight loss, energy and also for having a healthy heart function; Colostrum, which gives your body a healthy immune system function and also gives your body an improved stamina and also for an easier recovery in almost all cases; Vandayl Sulfate, which is capable of growing your muscles and also has the ability to define your muscles; Protein, everyone knows what protein is for and that is for sports nutrition, and also for health and muscle growth. 

Another is the Creatine, which is also for sports nutrition and muscle growth but it also involves bodybuilding this time; HCA or Garcinia Cambogia, for losing weight and suppressing your appetite; and last but certainly not the least, Vitamin B-12, this one is for overall health and nutrition.

So what more could you ask for? Sports nutrition supplements give you what you need, what your body needs and boosts your ego all the same time.

Sports Nutrition International

Sports Nutrition International
By Daniel Depo

Sports Nutrition International is a leading manufacturer of quality dietary supplements for athletes who put priority on strength-training and endurance. Products by Sports Nutrition International are created through reliable, peer-reviewed, published scientific research in muscle physiology vis-à-vis athletic performance and nutritional science in the field of strength & conditioning performance. 

Sports Nutrition International offers a gamut of premium quality sport supplements and specializes in thermogenics, energy powder, weight loss pills, glutamine powder, creatine, weight gainers and energy pills. Ingredients are of best quality.

The following nutrients are essential to most of Sports Nutrition International’s products: 


This is the most abundant amino acid in the body. High concentrations are found in skeletal muscles, lung, liver, brain, and stomach tissue. Intracellular concentration of l-glutamine in the skeletal system makes up to 60 percent of total body glutamine stocks. 

L-Glutamine is small in size and because of this it moves easily into muscles thus preventing muscle-breakdown and supporting muscle growth. L-Glutamine also helps the production of plasma arginine and glutamate--amino acids linked to growth. 

L– glutamine should be taken on an empty stomach to improve competition for absorption. 

The body's tissues need more glutamine than the amount supplied by diet and biosynthesis under certain pathological circumstances. During catabolic stress intracellular glutamine levels can drop more than 50 percent. This is when supplemental glutamine becomes necessary. In times of metabolic stress, supplemental glutamine is released into the bloodstream, where it is transported to the tissue in need.

Glutamine supplements may provide immune enhancement in endurance athletes.


Glutamine peptide is a kind of glutamine that supplies critical building blocks for larger muscle mass. Peptide-bond amino acids are easier to absorb than L-glutamine. Sports Nutrition International has added glutamine peptide to Xtreme Pro Whey™ to enhance recovery and growth. 


Creatine Monohydrate is one of the most popular and most effective bodybuilding supplements today. This is because of its quick-results in terms of size and strength gains. Within 2 to 3 weeks of use a person can gain 5 to 10 pounds with noticeably larger muscles. 

This nutrient is naturally produced in the body and stored in muscle cells as energy. It is found in lean red meats and green leafy vegetables. However as people cannot eat voluminous amounts of these each day, supplementation is necessary to saturate the muscle cells.

Creatine renews the muscles essential energy source, ATP or adenosine triphosphate. Increased levels in muscles optimizes energy turnover meaning you’ll more energy for high power exercise and faster recovery during and after workouts. Creatine also increases the athlete’s maximum effort, delays fatigue and therefore prolongs endurance. 



Xtreme Methoxy Rx is a superior anabolic formula that uses a combination of supplements to help you gain incredible amounts of lean body mass. 

Xtreme Methoxy Rx contains large doses of these potent legal anabolic compounds: Methoxyflavone, Ipriflavone and Ecdysone. These compounds increase nitrogen retention through working in different pathways. 

Sports Nutrition International’s customized Protein Rx™ blend, which includes a combination of Whey Isolate, Whey Peptides and micro/ultra filtered Whey Concentrate. Protein Rx™ obtains Glutamine Peptides, Taurine and Arginine to boost protein synthesis, multiply recovery times, stimulate glucose uptake and increase the release of GH.  

The mixture also includes Zinc and Magnesium Aspartate plus vitamin B6, the  mixture of which enhances testosterone levels, helping you obtain an anabolic effect and increase strength gains. 


This contains pure whey protein and glutamine peptides. 

Xtreme Pro Mass provides a delicious high carbohydrate-protein ratio (2:1) to stimulate muscular growth after workout. This is an easy-mix, low-fat drink with high and low glycemic carbohydrates which provides a sustained release of energy to hard working muscle.


Xtreme Pro Pump is a creatine transport system that combines nutrients to facilitate faster absorption into muscle cells. 

Xtreme Pro Pump is made of quadruple stack of Alpha Lipoic Acid, Vanadyl sulfate, Chromium peptide, and d-pinitol. This formula helps improve insulin response when blended with dextrose. This is vital for increasing muscle mass. Ipriflavone, methoxyflavone, and zinc and magnesium aspartate as additions make this formula a complete anabolic supplement. 


This is made up of 100% pure whey concentrate, isolate and whey peptides. Natural digestive enzyme complex is added to improve digestibility and assimilation, thus reducing bloating commonly linked with protein ingestion. 

Xtreme Pro Whey can be mixed easily with water or nonfat milk.

Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition

Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition

Feeling used up and impossibly exhausted even before the end of your physical activity? If you are taking nutritional supplements and still feel the exhaustion, chances are you’re not taking enough of the elements your body needs to function properly. Or, worse, you’re not taking nutrition supplements in the right amount. 

And why do you need to take dietary supplements? Because your regular food sources do not provide the right amount of nutrition elements needed by our body. This need is obvious from the countless scientific studies and from our practical experiences. 

This is the reason why a nutrition supplement is a regular feature of the American diet. And this is where Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition conveniently sets in.

The people behind Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition are also mindful of the special need of individuals who are into sports. In sports, nutrition supplements become even more important. 

Sports mimic the activities we humans used to have from the dawn of our existence. From the simple gathering of edible fruits and roots from the forest, to the more physically challenging activity of hunting, our ancestors have faithfully relived the way the human body was created: to engage in physical activity. 

Deciding on what sports nutrition to take

Taking nutrition supplements, particularly sports nutrition is getting more and more complicated. Dizzying names and brands are crowding onto grocery shelves side by side with traditional ones like vitamin C, calcium, B-complex and iron. They may take the form of capsules, pills, powders or liquids. How do we sort through it all? 

But before finally buying your Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition product, consider the following bits of information usually used by many people before taking a nutritional supplement.

1. Settle for a single effective nutritional brand. If you are into sports, decide what brand of sports nutrition you think is effective. 

Some supplements that we have taken before, even a whole nutrition program we have subscribed into, may have helped us. This may lead us into thinking that taking more would be better. This will cost us a lot, without providing the expected benefit. This can also be risky since some vitamins or minerals work to cancel each other’s effectiveness. 

The manufacturer of Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition made sure that a perfect balance of these minerals is present in every capsule, or bottle of Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition that you buy.

In terms of dosage or concentration, Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition is designed to complement what authorities generally agree are tolerable upper intake levels or the maximum amount one has to take in a day.  Amounts higher than what is considered a standard level can be toxic,and Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition was manufactured exactly for this concern.  

2. Harmonize your regular whole-food diet with the particular sports nutrition brand you are taking. What you are taking for breakfast, cereals for instance, may be fortified with vitamins and minerals. Choose between these numerous fortified products that would go along with Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition.

3. Consistency. Once you’ve decided with what nutritional supplement brand to take, be consistent on taking it regularly. Be patient, and have faith with what you’re doing. Some results may be observable immediately, while some may take a little while. The secret is on the regularity of taking your chosen sports nutrition brand. So, needless to say, don’t leave your Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition supplement just lying in your fridge’s vitamin shelf.

Your sport nutrition and your performance

In sports, even in any other activity, nothing is more important than nutrition. If you want to develop your body, deciding on what particular sports nutrition to take is very important. If your sports nutrition lacks with what it should have, all of your training will be wasted. 

Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition was specifically designed for all sports activities, whether you’re into running, swimming, boxing, gymnastics, or mountain climbing. Your Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition will be the foundation of your regimen. 

Your overall performance in sports is largely a byproduct of your nutrition habits. If you failed in choosing the right sport nutrition, your talent notwithstanding, your performance will suffer. 

It is true that a well balanced traditional nutrition is enough to support your body’s need on a daily basis. And Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition was not created to challenge this age old adage. But life is more than breathing, blinking, and sleeping. There is a life that fulfills the evolutionary design of your body. Your Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition however, can take your body into a higher level. 

Whenever you are involved in physical activity, it is only natural to loose some of your nutrients in your body. It is in this case that a good nutrition supplement steps in. 

Rocky Mountain Sports Nutrition, when taken with a well chosen regular diet, will give you the right amount of nutritional requirements needed by your body. In many cases, nutrition supplements also serve as a buffer against nutrient depletion during heavy activities or exercise. 

All In One Sports Nutrition

All In One Sports Nutrition For The Working Athlete
By Daniel Depo

Why are we drawn to sports? It is because we appreciate and take pleasure in witnessing the human spirit in motion. Athletes competing and achieving despite difficulties inspires us all. It is a reality TV show in its best. Sometimes, we can't help asking what sort of  "all in one sports nutrition" they are taking.

It's heartwarming to us those ordinary mortals, after years of training and hard work had triumphed against all odds. We know that these athletes had worked hard to develop their physical skills. We can't help but be one in their triumphs and empathize in their defeats. 

But surely this privilege is only for the professional athletes who have all the time in the world to engage in sports and sustain this with appropriate nutrition? Not necessarily true.

For people juggling a delicate balance between their busy life and their need for physical health, all in one sports nutrition maybe a heaven sent. 

The secret of all in one sports nutrition lies in its ideal balance nutrients, compacted in one package. This will save you so much time in just preparing and consuming different sports nutrition when you're in hurry. This will also save you money since you wouldn't be buying several packs of the sports nutrients with overlapping nutrients contents. 

All in one sports nutrition is also scientifically designed to include all the necessary nutrients needed by any athlete, and specially includes you. After long hours of workouts, all in one sports nutrition will work its wonder by giving you sustained energy source. And since this is a complete sports nutrition, there's no reason to worry about missing one important nutrient during your last meal. 

Some sports nutrition claims that having all nutrients in one package is not advisable because there is the tendency that the manufacturer will limit other vital nutrient. This maybe true for others but not with all in one sports nutrition. All in one sports nutrition was formulated exactly to contain the right balance, in the right amount, nutrients needed by athletes and sports enthusiasts, including you. 

All in one sports nutrition contains ingredients designed to improve athletic performance. It is also designed to hasten the recovery of muscle fatigue every after exercise. All in one sports nutrition contains the perfect combination of complex and carbohydrates. This combination is at the heart of every successful sports nutrients product for carbohydrates provide sustained energy needed in a sustained exercise. 

Balanced carbohydrates content of all in one sports nutrition

Most commercial sports nutrients product derives all of their calorie source from simple carbohydrates. This almost always results in blood sugar swings, making it hard for athletes in general to balance and steadied their movement during training or competition. Slow and steady delivery of calorie during regimen help the muscles not to deplete its supply of blood sugar. This is very critical during your exercise because this depletion can cause too much fatigue. This prevents also gluconeogenesis, a form of muscle cannibalism resorted to by our to produce energy during  "emergency" or regimen.

Protein content of all in one sports nutrition 

Aside from carbohydrates, nutritional supplement high in quality protein, will you're your muscle's re-growth and repair. Protein is a hard workers nutrient that goes a long way in maintaining your health during intense exercise. Protein produces the enzymes needed to help carbohydrates maintain energy levels during regimen.

Benefits aside, protein intake is one the most debated issue in the fitness and sports nutrition world. Too much intake of protein, claimed by many, harms the body. Consensus however, among fitness professionals and sports nutritionist suggest a different direction. Protein intakes above the RDA appears to stimulate the loss of body fat while increasing muscle tissue. 

But all in one sports nutrition follows the RDA not because it supports the claims of anti-protein intake. All in one sports nutrition is perfect balance of necessary nutrients, carbohydrates and protein included. Aside from these two most important elements in any sports nutrition program, all in one sports nutrition also contains other minerals needed by your body to sustain itself during heavy exercise and other physical activities. 

So you see, there's no reason to loose hope joining the privileged groups of athletes. Your all in one sports nutrition will sustain you during your regimen, and it will help your muscles recover fast enough for your work office work tmorrow!

Charts On Sports Nutrition

Charts On Sports Nutrition: Guides for a Healthier, Sportier Body
By Daniel Depo

Athletics is an endeavor that has become increasingly lucrative as time goes by. The modern world has come up with more and more ways to expound the potential of athletes in the most convenient ways possible. A wide variety of exercise and diet programs have been conceived to make sure that the body achieves its highest potential.

To aid the athletes in becoming the demi-gods of physical fitness, business have launched many products such as vitamins and exercise gadgets. Media has provided lots of information that can assist anyone who is into getting fit. Resources such as books, videos and other instructional materials have bombarded their way right into cyberspace.

As examples, here are some very helpful knowledge from several charts on sports nutrition which disseminates information coming from some experts in physical fitness.

The web site of the University of Illinois Extension featured a food guide system that helps in evaluating the effectiveness of one's diet. This pyramid training table guide provided five divisions of food groups, each division equipped with the list of major nutrients supplied by those foods included in the group.

Here are the food groups from the chart that can help enhance a diet:

1. Milk, cheese and yogurt Group

Gives calcium, protein, riboflavin and vitamin A.

2. Vegetable Group

Sources of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamins C and A. Includes veggies such as spinach, tomatoes and broccoli.

3. Meat, fish, eggs, nuts and beans Group

Primary protein source. Also contains iron, thiamin and zinc.

Another useful chart on sports nutrition gives off the main functions of the four main nutrients needed by the body and the recommended intake for each.

Carbohydrates - It is the primary source of energy which is especially needed for the majority of bodily functions. Carbs are essential for high-intensity exercise.

Water - the most important nutrient mainly because the human body is composed of sixty percent of it. Water reduces body fat, eliminates toxins and waste, aids in the maintenance of muscle tone and also keeps the skin moist and healthy. It helps regulate body temperature especially during intense workouts.

Protein - Responsible for the growth of body tissue and the creation of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. It is also responsible for the balance of electrolytes and fluid in the body.

Fat - It also provides energy and also maintains body temperature. Fats protect the organs and carries fatty acids essential to the body.

Another chart on sports nutrition gives great food alternatives for those who want to knock off considerable amount of calories from their diet. Here are examples:

-Have English muffins or half portion of a bagel instead of donuts for snacks or breakfast.
-Use 2 egg whites instead of 1 whole egg for cooking.
-Drink water in place of sodas or canned fizzy beverages.
-Opt for skinless chicken instead of the deep-fried variety.
-Put in non-fat dry milk in coffee instead of regular creamers.
-Enjoy jams in place of butter when having bagels and toasts.
-Use light dressings, oils or vinegars over regular dressings when making salads.
-Order pizza with lots of veggies instead of the ones with loads of cheese.

Keyword Sports Nutrition

The Sports Nutrition Industry: Keywords to Success. 
By Daniel Depo

Every developed and developing country is teeming today with manufacturers and distributors of nutraceutical products that cater to professional sportsmen and women and sport-minded ones alike. Health products of every type, size and taste have abound. Today, the nurtraceutical industry is estimated to be worth $80 billion (U.S.) Just what are the factors of success in this highly competitive field of sports nutrition industry?

The biggest sports nutrition players have come up with keywords to success:

Keyword: Research

Company efforts to advance the field of supplement products for sports nutrition are the backbone of any industry. By supporting clinical research and trying to foster a relationship with science advisory boards, the field of sports nutrition is advanced. Eventually, consumers are able to receive innovative, scientifically-based, safe and effective products.

Advisory boards have funded research projects on nutrition and sports performance including research on creatine, HMB, CLA and glutamine among others. Research grants are also provided to young scientists early in their careers.

Large-scale sports nutrition industries commit over $500,000 every year to independent analytical analysis to ensure that sports nutrition products meet specifications. Investigations are also warranted. There should be rigorous vendor certification or re-certification auditing program that helps companies adhere to industry quality standards.

Keyword: Innovation

New products and technologies should be developed to provide the best quality on existing products.

Consumers have a preoccupation of trying out something “new,.” There should always be innovation whether it means new forms of delivery (gels, effervescent tablets, functional beverages) or new applications of or combinations with existing products.

Keyword: Price

For Sports Nutrition consumers, price is still everything. In the U.S. for example, even though people were getting laid off and the economy has been unstable after 9/11 people still wanted to work out and stay healthy. This coupled with higher oil prices has lead people to look for deals and good prices.

Products must be extremely competitively. Sport Nutrition giants for example rely on increased sales volume in exchange of lesser profit margins on each product sold.

Quality, certification and taste matter but in the final analysis, consumer want good deals on great products.

Keyword: Variety

What should retailers do to become their customers' first choice for sports nutrition products? Carry a variety of lines that will offer clients with options in supplements.

Retailers often opt not to sports supplements when they carried only one line or one brand. Sports nutrition customers are varied and are everywhere. There are more women as well as men buying supplements and at different ages and varied income brackets. Retail stores should therefore be able to offer a selection products or else buyers will look elsewhere, like the internet or shop somewhere other than these local vitamin stores or pharmacies.

Keyword: Safe

There are regulatory agencies to protect consumers. Sports nutrition companies should engage in top of the line research and development and prove the efficacy and safety of their nurtraceutical products. Products that are based on false or misleading marketing should be and are banned and condemned.

It is thus the responsibility of manufacturers and marketers to provide sports nutrition products that are safe, effective, easily used, and completely understood by both retailers and consumers.

Today, natural product retailers can provide consumers safe alternatives to potentially harmful chemical stimulants (fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine), fat-chelating agents, cosmetic surgery, and a life of inactivity or painful exercise Natural, science-based exercise nutrition products that promote energy, fitness, and weight loss are now available.

Keyword: Information

Consumers are becoming more and more intelligent. They rely on scientific and hard facts rather than recommendations and endorsements from celebrities and sports personalities. Aside from vigorous research, sports nutrition companies should invest in a sound information dissemination and product communication strategy to stay ahead of the game.

Product information should be detailed but fairly understandable. Also, information should be readily available on product packets, posters, print and TV advertisements and the internet. Consumers can believe only what manufacturers communicate well.

Everything focuses around education for the consumer — an educated consumer is the industry's best friend.

These principles helped sports nutrition companies boost the industry as a whole. If remembered and adhered to, these keywords will spur more gains in the industry as large portions of the world’s population now put priority to fitness and health.